Powerscourt Tenant Names from 1840s

Lord Londonderry's SeatDeclarations of tenant loyalty were common in the nineteenth century. These would usually be issued on the marriage of the landlord, the birth of a child (especially an heir) or some other significant life event. A declaration by tenants to Lady Powerscourt surfaced recently, and while declarations are not unusual, this one is particularly interesting as it comes from a period where there is a bit of a black hole regarding Powerscourt records. When 6th Viscount Powerscourt died suddenly in 1844 (aged just 29), his widow married again in 1846, to Frederick Stewart, 4th Marquess of Londonderry. It seems likely then that this address commemorates that occasion.  Visitors to Powerscourt will know Lord Londonderry’s seat which overlooks the Japanese Gardens.

It is addressed to “the Most Noble The Marchioness of Londonderry,’ from ‘We The Tenants of Lords Powercourt’s Estates in this district…’ who “have the honour to be Your Ladyships most attached and faithful servants…” The original has over 146 names; unfortunately in the time available, I was just able to obtain those listed below:

  • David Charles la Touche, Luggala
  • Monck, Charleville
  • James Dixon, Monastery
  • Anthony Mulligan, Paddock
  • John McCoy md Enniskerry
  • Widow Maud Williams, Ballyross
  • Robert Williams Ballybrew
  • Anthony Sutton, Glasnamullen
  • Thomas Sutton, Glasnamullen
  • George Shirley, Enniskerry
  • John Sutton, Glasnamullen
  • Jas or Thos Sutton, Glasnamullen
  • –ies Sutton, Glasnamullen
  • John Sutton, Kilmacanogue
  • William Sutton, Ballingeskin
  • James Quigley, Enniskerry
  • William Williams, Enniskerry
  • Henry Buckley, Enniskerry
  • Joseph Williams, Monastery
  • Bethel Burton, Barnamire
  • William Sutton, Glasnamullen


10 thoughts on “Powerscourt Tenant Names from 1840s

  1. Surprised to see Monck Charleville listed as a tenant – ancestors of mine were servants of Lord Monck on the Charleville estate. Does ‘tenant’ mean something else here?

  2. Hi Regina,

    Yes it does appear odd, but “tenant” just means someone who leases land or buildings. Charleville was quite a small estate, so perhaps Monck leased land for shooting or a dower-house or something of that nature from Powerscourt, his much larger neighbour. You’ll see also the banker La Touche is listed as a tenant – he leased shooting lands from Powerscourt (and there was a house at one stage too) at Glencree.

    The remainder in lists of this type would have been the larger farmers on the estate. They may in turn have sub-let to smaller farmers, who we tend to think of when we think of “tenant”. Monck appears on the declarations from later in the century too

    It was swings and roundabouts – the account books of James Grattan, at Tinnehinch across the road from Charleville, show that he leased fields from Monck – the Tinnehinch estate is tiny by comparison. So I guess people at that level just leased what was necessary as part of their estate management.


  3. Hi Michael Interesting material a lot of familiar surnames would there be similar material from charleville I have a rental agreement between my Great,Great,Great grandfather William Fox and Viscount Monk dated 1853 and I know other farmers in the area with similar documents.Regards Chris Fox

  4. Hi Chris,
    Yes, it’s interesting to see the variation in names as we move slowly across from Powerscourt to Charleville.

    I listed names of labourers at Tinnehinch previously – https://enniskerryhistory.org/home/index.php/archives/2508 – again these names would be familiar to many in Kilmac!

    Heard it was a great talk at Greystones, sorry I missed it, I was away.
    All the best,

    PS – here is the index to the Monck papers, it doesn’t name names, but does show there are some leases on file for Wicklow – Kilmac etc (page 13)

  5. Hello
    My grand parents, William and Bedelia Burton were both servants of Lord Monck. My father, Robert Joseph Burton was born in Enniskerry.

  6. Hi Michael, I just wanted to send notice to your members of the Screening of the Blue Max on Tuesday March 24th at 7.30pm admission is free. The film will be shown at the location of much of the filming, The Grove Bar as Calary and Kilpeddar, feature in this movie. I welcome a discussion and sharing of memories and stories relating to the local land and people who were involved in making this film. For more details or to speak to me call 089 453 42 48. I hope you will join us. ! Thank you. Aran

  7. MyGGGrandfather Was James Quigley who is on this list of tenants. Is there anyway to identify which land he farmed and if there are still Quigleys living on the property. He was married to Elizabeth Hicks

  8. My Granmother Elizabeth(Lily) Kearns lived down in the Dargle Valley with her sisters Molly and Kathleen. She married in St Marys church in 1937 to Frederick Brazier. My Great Granny also called Elizabeth lived in the back room of Doyles House in the village when it was too dangerous for her to live in the valley or the Lovers Leap Lane as my mother refers to it. She thinks my Great Grandfather worked for the Gouldings.

  9. Has anyone come across the family name of Cashell, they came from Co Wicklow. Some worked on
    Ballyhenry estate and Ellen Cashell married William Wisdom in 1853 in Powerscourt Church of Ireland, her father was a Matthew Cashell, who I have tried in vain to trace.

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