This application refers to Powerscourt National School in the centre of the village. Formerly named Enniskerry, its name was later changed to Powerscourt. Established in 1818, this application would mean that it would be taken into connexion with the Board of Education from 1866, with the role number 9760. In 2011, the school is still on this site and is the oldest school building in Ireland still in use as a school.
Powerscourt Roll #9760 – Co. Wicklow, District 40 – ED1/97 No. 6
Application by Viscount Powerscourt to the commissioners of National Education for aid towards payment of teacher’s salary and for supply of requisites
Enniskerry School, County of Wicklow, Barony of Rathdown, Parish of Powerscourt, Townland of Kilgarron
Questions not given.
3. Enniskerry
4. Very good
5. One 44 x 16
6. Tolerably good
7. James Doherty age 30, Isabella Doherty 24 yrs
8. 20 av
9. 10 o’clock to 3
10. 2 to 3
11. Those published by C. E. Society
12. Every day at any hour
13. Patron Lord Powerscourt [illegible – — Revd Charles McDonagh Ch. Of ?Engd?] Curate of Powerscourt
Note added:
Lord Powerscourt particularly wishes that this teacher be appointed by the board to this school. Should be competent to play —- in —- in the church at Enniskerry and lead the singing as also teach children singing. The mistress should be a good seamstress.
Note added overleaf – mentioning £15 salary for James Doherty, 8/1/67.
Report on application for aid towards payment of teacher’s salary [8 Dec 1866]
Reports that school was established more than 40 years ago in the Parish of Powerscourt, Kilgarron Townland, Barony of Rathdown. It is in the village of Enniskerry.
Nearest National Schools:
1. Curtlestown Non-vested 2 3/10 miles away 49 for quarter ended 20 Sept, 48 for quarter ended 30 Sept 66 (male/female??)
Not affected by this school
Nearest Infant Schools
Enniskerry Infant School in the village, Annacrevy 2 ½ miles nearby, Scalp school scriptural 2 ¼ mile. In Enniskerry a private school, taught by a former master of Curtlestown school
Other applicant schools nearby
Annacrevy for a —- Lord Powerscourt now applies is 2 ½ miles nearby from this school
Connection with other society and whether it will continue
Heretofore in connexion with the Church Education society; no money aid, inspection; the connexion will cease
Lord Powerscourt – the patron – makes the change
No connexion to a church or chapel
School is built of stone and mortar, an excellent house in good repair. Offices in tolerable repair, require some attention.
44 foot long, 16 broad, 15 high, built by a former Lord Powerscourt.
6 large windows, can be opened with boards on the floor. A portion of the house is occupied by the teacher, with no inconvenience to the school. 6 desks and forms, ample accommodation. Suitable desk for teacher, bookshelves with lock and a clock. No rack as yet to suspend timetable, general lesson and commandments.
Wholly employed as a school, and an evening school, 9 pupils attending the latter.
Master James Doherty appointed to school in July ’66. Isabella Doherty. Received training from Church Education Society training school- the master has a second class certificate and a number of good testimonials. Teacher is a clerk of the church (£10) and an organist (£10). £50 local funds paid by Viscount Powerscourt for both salaries. Scholars pay 1d per week and 5?s? per quarter, estimating £5 per quarter for school fees. No students at present attend freely.
The school will be available to children of all denominations. Books published and sanctioned by the board will be used. Religious instruction in the school room from 2 to 3 o’clock, which will not interfere with secular business of school.
Attendance seems to be composed chiefly of the children of tradesmen, some small farmers in Lord Powerscourt’s employment
At time of inspection, there were 16 males, 4 females. On the books, three are 27 males, 11 females.
Inspector had an interview with the Parish Priest, Rev Mr O’Dwyer. He objects to the school as being conducted by a protestant teacher and declares that he will oppose the attendance of any children of his flock while such teachers are continued
The agent for Lord Powerscourt (now in England) Mr Posnett gave assurances that any improvements requested by the board would be carried out.
An ancestor, Sarah RAVELL, was a National School Teacher when she died at Ballinagee in April 1894. The informant of her death was Hannah WILLIAMS, no relation, of Ballinagee.
I would like to know at which National School Sarah was a teacher? She was born in Dublin in 1833. She was Mistress of the Essex Street Infant School in Dublin from 1852-56.
Thank you.